Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Impulse control or drug addiction?

Believe it or not there is a simple answer but there is no simple way to handel this issue. First off let me start out by telling you that I too have struggled with depression and anxiety since I was vary young. I started experimenting with drugs and such when I was only 11 years old, and that I have been a pot smoker for the better of 15 years. By what I can tell is you could become a full blown addict in a blink of an eye. the only reason I say you are not one right now is simply this.... Addicts never admit their addicts. That's why your dr said something about hitting rock bottom. What he doesn't seem to get is you are aware of your actions and you are seeking help. Addicts first rule of thumb is denial and lying of course normally about their addiction. But see your different right now you have a small window of opportunity to stop being so destructive with your life which is more Fragile then you know. My only advise to you is this "You have to do everything you can to keep yourself away from drugs and situations that you know you give into. Not so much the pot but everything else for sure. Even though I am a Pro-Pot person I do believe that pot is a gateway drug and when that high does not get you the high you want you turn to other drugs that can easily kill you if you mean it or not. Good Luck to you and I hope my insight helps you in anyway it can :)

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