Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Copying data in Excel from columns to rows?

I am exporting data from an old database to a new and improved one. Unfortunately, when the data was exported from the old database, it exported into two different Excel spreadsheets. One of the spreadsheets is organized by rows (ie. name, address, city, state, zip, etc.) while the second spreadsheet is organized by columns (ie. first row: first payment, date entered, type; second row: second payment, date entered, type and so on). One customer could have more than 5 rows of payments listed in the Excel spreadsheet. The one saving grace is that the account number matches the customer and all payments made to the company. My problem is that I need to get all the information on the same row, so that the new database recognizes the information is intended to stay with that customer. Am I making sense? Is there an Excel macro that I may be able to use to match the customer number to pull the information into the same row? Or is it just going to have to be manually done?

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